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Emergency! ... Are You Connected!

emer poster
(Click Flyer to

The City of Monticello is providing its citizens a method to receive alerts about emergencies and other important community news.   Review this program by downloading the information flyer or signing up for our Emergency Alert Program.

Sign-up for Public Safety Messages
The City of Monticello's Citizen Alert system allows you to sign up to receive time-sensitive emergency notifications directly to your home phone, cell phones via voice and text alerts, and e-mails.

When you create an account, you'll be able to choose what phones, devices and e-mails should receive alerts. Once you enter your preferences for notifications you will receive timely emergency notifications when alerts are issued.

Click here to create a Citizen Alert account.

Questions, Comments, Concerns

The Citizen Alert system is provided through Everbridge, a company specializing in mass communication services for government organizations. If you have questions or comments about the information contained in the messages or on the City's website or if you have concerns about the support services you've received from Everbridge, contact:

Diane Bunnell, ADA Coordinator
Phone: 574-583-4568 | Cell: 574-870-8056 | Fax: 574-583-9244

Data Privacy

The information that you provide will be used only by the City of Monticello for notification purposes. We will not give or sell your contact or location information to any vendor or other organization.

You choose where, you choose how.  Click to signup today!