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Governor Updates 'Stay at Home' Order

  Review latest executive order here.


As a part of this action, Gov. Holcomb also extended for two weeks the orders that limit in-person public activity at state government offices and put restrictions on the operation of restaurants, bars and nightclubs.

While the Stay At Home order chiefly continues as is, modifications and restrictions have been made to limit interactions among people. Here are some highlights of EO 20-18:
  • Retail businesses (A list of such businesses is included in the executive order) that provide necessities of life may remain open but should:
    • limit the number of customers in the establishment at any given time
    • implement hours for elderly and other vulnerable populations
    • limit hours of operation to restock and clean
    • comply with all mitigation measures to protect employees and the public.
  • All other retail business may remain open if they restrict sales to online or call-in ordering with delivery or curbside pickup.
  • Professional services should be conducted virtually or by telephone.
  • All campgrounds will be closed except for those who use recreational vehicles or cabins as their primary residence.
  • State parks remain open to daily visitors.
  • Hoosiers are reminded that all public and private gatherings of any kind that include more than 10 people are prohibited.
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COVID-19 Message from Mayor & City Heroes - April 3, 2020

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White County United Way Assisting Community

Our neighbors need us. From the service professionals without childcare to the small business owners experiencing loss of income, we see the mounting pressure of community recovery ahead.

We are here to help.

The White County United Way Board of Trustees has elected to establish a Community Relief Fund to support those agencies and programs who are most impacted by the closures and increased demand for services.

If you would like to make a donation to this discretionary community fund, please follow the links on this page to submit payment to our PayPal portal. Between March 19 and the end of the State of Emergency, all donations made through our online links to PayPal will be earmarked for community-based relief of the negative effects of our Covid-19 Emergency. We thank you for your contributions and your dedication to our community in these trying times.

Together, we win!

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