- NEW! Mayor Gross and our city heroes ask you to be a hero, too. Please review this publich health and safety message. Stay at Home, Stay Safe, and Save Lives.
- UPDATE! Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb has extended the State Emergency Declaration to May 5th, 2020. In order to continue to reduce the spread of COVID-19, the Governor is ordering Hoosiers to stay at home for two more weeks beyond the original April 7th deadline to April 20th. Review the updated Governor's Order.
Twin Lakes School Lunch Pick-up is Monday, April 6th. Please click link below to fill out request form. Each child 18 and under will receive a 10 Meal Pack (5 breakfasts/5 lunches) intended to cover the Week of April 6th-10th. Because of recent state and federal guideline changes, distribution will ONLY happen at ROOSEVELT MIDDLE SCHOOL this week.
Click to fill and submit your lunch Pick-up Form.
Press Release from the Office of Mayor Cathy GrossSubject: Coronavirus and Flu Prevention
The City of Monticello cares about our residents, employees, and guests.
The Coronavirus is a type of virus that includes symptoms of fever, muscle aches, fatigue, cough and shortness of breath. It will more quickly infect those that are already health compromised like older adults, those already sick, or anyone with a weakened immune system. Like most other viruses, it is spread through human contact. For this reason, practicing the following precautions could help limit your risk of exposure:
- Wash your hands, starting with your fingertip, often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing
- Use hand sanitizer correctly
- Keep your distance - particularly from others who might be sick (6+ feet is recommended)
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth
- Cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze with a tissue and then throw the tissue in the trash; or cough or sneeze into your arm or shoulder
- Stay home if you don't feel well
- Call your health care provider and follow their instructions. If your health insurance has the option for Teladoc or other online capabilities, please take advantage of that service.
You can find more information at:
Indiana State Department of Health. https://www.in.gov/isdh/28470.htm
Center for Disease Control and Prevention https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-nCoV/index.html
We will continue to monitor the situation, and provide updates as necessary. We will also post updates on our city website: http://www.monticelloin.gov
Mayor Cathy Gross
City of Monticello
Review and Download the Press Release
Please visit the news/resource page here.
Monday, March 23, 2020
Mayor Cathy Gross, City of Monticello, has updated the declaration to include a notice about City Employees. This addition was made following the Governor's 'Stay at Home' Executive Order. Please click above link for updated declaration.
Sunday, March 22, 2020
Mayor Cathy Gross, City of Monticello, is declaring a public health/local disaster emergency effective Sunday, March 22, 2020 following the lead of the White County Board of Commissioners.
There is a local disaster/emergency throughout the city, specifically linked to the spread of COVID-19.
Monticello and its departments will continue to cooperate with White County, the Indiana State Department of Health, the State of Indiana and other local governments and organizations in their efforts to address this health emergency.
The purpose of this declaration is to facilitate future financial reimbursement, funding assistance, supplies and other assistance as are made available through the State and Federal Government due to the health emergency.
The City of Monticello reminds everyone to continue to maintain a high level of awareness as to the appropriate measures to protect against the spread of the virus. "Social Distancing" remains critical for success. We will continue to work together to protect our residents and employees.
Gov. Holcomb outlined these new additional efforts in the executive order:
- The Department of Workforce Development (DWD) has suspended the one-week waiting period that is required before paying unemployment benefits to allow claimants to receive their checks more quickly. The suspension is retroactive to March 8, 2020.
- Hoosiers with chronic health issues will be able to receive a 90-day supply of their non-controlled prescription medication, such as insulin or cholesterol medications.
- Medicaid recipients can use their benefits to cover costs of using alternate forms of transportation, such as ride-sharing services, for appointments to see their healthcare providers.
- The Family and Social Services Administration (FSSA) has additional funding flexibility to allow for additional home delivery of meals and certain restrictions on time/sibling requirements to child care homes.
- The Department of Local Government Finance (DLGF) has extended deadlines related to local government finances including property tax exemption applications.
Review the White County Health Department Notice - 1st Case March 27, 2020 at 5:19PM
The City of Monticello has just been notified that White County has its first and second confirmed case of COVID-19. This official notice does not change any of the Mayor’s Executive Orders.
This reaffirms the Governor’s Executive Orders and reinforces the need for all of us to stay at home.
Stay Home, Stay Safe, & Healthy.
As a part of this action, Gov. Holcomb also extended for two weeks the orders that limit in-person public activity at state government offices and put restrictions on the operation of restaurants, bars and nightclubs.
While the Stay At Home order chiefly continues as is, modifications and restrictions have been made to limit interactions among people. Here are some highlights of EO 20-18:
- Retail businesses (A list of such businesses is included in the executive order) that provide necessities of life may remain open but should:
- limit the number of customers in the establishment at any given time
- implement hours for elderly and other vulnerable populations
- limit hours of operation to restock and clean
- comply with all mitigation measures to protect employees and the public.
- All other retail business may remain open if they restrict sales to online or call-in ordering with delivery or curbside pickup.
- Professional services should be conducted virtually or by telephone.
- All campgrounds will be closed except for those who use recreational vehicles or cabins as their primary residence.
- State parks remain open to daily visitors.
- Hoosiers are reminded that all public and private gatherings of any kind that include more than 10 people are prohibited.
Review the update: 30 Days to Slow the Spread
NEW! Great resource posted by White County United Way. It will be updated often at their website. Review and download this information directory.
- NEW! US Chamber of Commerce has released a fact sheet about emergency loans provided to small businesses. A simple overview can be reviewed by clicking here.
- Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb updated plans to reduce the spread of COVID-19 ordering Hoosiers to stay at home. The order is in effect from March 25 to April 7. Review the Governor's Order.
- Mayor Cathy Gross has declared a pulbic health/local disaster emergency. Review the full announcement here.
Let's end this update with a little lighthearted, but important message:
- Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb gave a new address at noon Monday updating plans to reduce the spread of COVID-19 ordering Hoosiers to stay at home. The order is in effect from March 25 to April 7. Review the Governor's Order.
- Mayor Cathy Gross has declared a pulbic health/local disaster emergency. Review the full announcement here.
- Patroncity is a crowdsourcing/fundraising website specifically geared toward small communities especially during the COVID-19 'Stay at Home' order.
- The GoFundMe.org Small Business Relief Fund will provide micro-grants to qualifying small businesses negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The state is encouraging small businesses struggling at this time to apply for up to $2 million in loans from the federal government. You can find more information on how to apply by clicking here.
- Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb gave a new address at noon Monday updating plans to reduce the spread of COVID-19 ordering Hoosiers to stay at home. The order is in effect from March 25 to April 7. Review the Governor's Order.
- Mayor Cathy Gross has declared a pulbic health/local disaster emergency. Review the full announcement here.
- Indiana Primary Election has been postponed from Tuesday, May 5th to Tuesday, June 2nd. Review the full announcement here.
- Beginning Tuesday, March 24th, only essential city employees will be in offices.
Our neighbors need us. From the service professionals without childcare to the small business owners experiencing loss of income, we see the mounting pressure of community recovery ahead.
We are here to help.
The White County United Way Board of Trustees has elected to establish a Community Relief Fund to support those agencies and programs who are most impacted by the closures and increased demand for services.
If you would like to make a donation to this discretionary community fund, please follow the links on this page to submit payment to our PayPal portal. Between March 19 and the end of the State of Emergency, all donations made through our online links to PayPal will be earmarked for community-based relief of the negative effects of our Covid-19 Emergency. We thank you for your contributions and your dedication to our community in these trying times.
Together, we win!
The Governor is extending the State of Emergency in Indiana to May 5th. The Governor's order includes information on unemployment insurance, housing, social services, veterans, etc. Please take time to review the March 19th Governor's Order summarized here.
This afternoon, the Governor working with the State of Indiana Party Chairs have agreed to move the date of this year's Indiana Primary Election from Tuesday, May 5th to Tuesday, June 2nd. Review the full announcement here.
The City of Monticello has opened a web page with COVID-19 News and Resources concerning people with disabilities.
Twin Lakes School Corporation - Free Grab and Go Lunches for the entire next week will have a pickup on Monday, March 23rd. Please click and fill out form to reserve lunches for next week (Link active until midnight on Sunday).
For those of you who want to dig deeper on the Coronavirus. A YouTube video discussing the spread, attack and diagnostics of this virus strain. The first 10-15 minutes is interesting.
Monticello Public Library - The library will be closed until further notice on Wednesday, March 18th. Online Services, such as INSPIRE and Digital Collections are available. See the library website for more information.Free Lunches - Twin Lakes School Corporation is providing free school lunch pickup for students 18 years old or under at Roosevelt Middle School from 2pm-4pm. Pickup begins tomorrow. Please visit this page to request a lunch(es).
The Twin Lakes School Pantry - For the families of Twin Lakes School there will be an extra food distribution from the Twin Lakes School Pantry on Wednesday March 18 from 2:00 to 6:00 at Woodlawn door 4. Contact Patty Godlove cell (765) 543-9188 with questions. See this post on donating to the pantry.
Senior Center - The Senior Center will be open for Public Transit needs/requests only. All senior lunches, planned activities, and free-tax preparation (gatherings) have been cancelled until further notice.White County Building & County Offices - The White County Board of Commissioners are closing White County Government Buildings to the public effective March 18, 2020 to curtail the spread of COVID-19.Essential County business that cannot be conducted remotely will be either postponed or arranged at the department head’s discretion. White County Government office contact information is displayed on the County website and will be posted on the door of each County building. See http://www.whitecountyin.us for more information concerning meetings and courts.
State - Workforce/Unemployment Information
The Indiana Dept. of Workforce Development would like to assist employers, workers, and agents during this emergency. If you are temporarily closing or reducing worker hours, please encourage your employees to file for unemployment insurance benefits. They must do this online, through a computer or smart phone. They should visit unemployment.in.gov for Frequently Asked Questions, video tutorials, and a link to file for unemployment insurance. Review FAQs in our Coronavirus & Business Section.National
The White House and CDC (Fed. Govt.) released a helpful, brief document called '15 Days to Slow the Spread'. Review it here.The Governor is extending the State of Emergency in Indiana to May 5th. The Governor's order includes information on unemployment insurance, housing, social services, veterans, etc. Please take time to review the Governor's Order summarized here.
Carroll White REMC - Disonnection for non-payment is suspended and lobbies in Monticello and Delphi are closed to the public until further notice. Payments can be made through our Monticello Drive-Up Window, Delphi kiosk, Smarthub (online) as well as pay by phone. Members can call 800-844-7161.
Per Governor's Executive Order, no essential utility services may be disconnected while under a State of Emergency (includes electric, gas, telecom, broadband, water, and wastewater).
IU White Memorial Hospital - IU Health has made additional updates to temporary visitor restrictions. Beginning Sunday, March 15, 2020, no visitors will be permitted at Indiana University Health Hospitals. To streamline the screening process, IU Health White Memorial Hospital is directing all patients to the Emergency Entrance for screening.
Twin Lakes School Corporation
Per Governor's Executive Order, public schools will remain closed until May 1st.
Per Governor's Executive Order, all state mandated tests will be cancelled for the current academic year.
Free Grab and Go Lunches for the entire next week will have a pickup on Monday, March 23rd. Please click and fill out form to reserve lunches for next week (Link active until midnight on Sunday).
Per Governor's Executive Order, state income tax payments delayed. Now due July 15th (just like Federal Income Tax).
No Peddlers - White County Govt. Officials, together with local Government Officials have determined, for the protection of our citizens, no Peddlers Permits will be issued in White County, nor will any previously issued permits be honored, until further notice. If you suspect peddler activity in your neighborhood, please contact your local law enforcement.
Per Governor's Executive Order, penalties on property tax, paid after May 11th, will be waived for sixty days.
Local closings reported include the United Methodist Church and Parks Programs. See closings
State of Indiana - Directives from Governor Holcomb
- Recommends no in-person events of more than 50 people. (Update March 17 - CDC [Fed. Gov.] guidelines are more than 10 people.)
- Bars, nightclubs and restaurants are required to close to in-person patrons and may provide take-out and delivery services through the end of March
- Hospitals and ambulatory surgical centers should cancel and/or postpone elective and non-urgent surgical procedures immediately.
- The Indiana State Museum and Historic Sites will close to the public beginning Tuesday. Indiana state parks and recreation centers, including state park inns, remain open. Restaurants will convert operations to take-out and delivery.
Beginning March 18, 2020, The Monticello-Union Township Public Library will be closed to the public. In an ongoing effort to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), the library will temporarily cease in-person services. Access to the library’s online services, such as INSPIRE and the Digital Collections, will continue to be available without interruption. Please check back for updates on this situation as it develops.
Library Book Drop is available. Patrons may keep the items until we reopen. No overdue fines will be assessed from March 13, 2020 forward.
Tina Emerick, Director
Monticello-Union Public Library
The City of Monticello has opened a coronavirus information page. The purpose of this page is to:
- Provide City News concerning the coronavirus including press releases, event cancellations, and general public health and safety information.
- Provide key documents related to the coronavirus
- Provide links to Federal/State web resources on the coronavirus.