Tioga Park
About the Proposed Tioga Park

The History of Tioga Park
Tioga Park, currently in the planning stages, was the second parcel of land obtained for parks development. This parcel was purchased in 1916 from the Tippecanoe Hydraulic Co. for ($660) and at that time contained approximately 3.82 acres. The land was conveyed to the City on the 10th day of March 1916. Nine years after these properties had been purchased; a majority of the Tioga property and a small portion of the City Park property at Dodge Camp were sold. This land was conveyed to Indiana H. –E. Power Company for establishment of the Norway and Oakdale Hydroelectric dams and the creation of Lakes Shafer and Freeman. The purchase of property was recorded in the White County Recorder’s office on the 17th day of September 1925 a total of 4.71 acres of which about 3.18 acres &1.53 acres were respectively sold from the Tioga and City Park properties. The power company purchased the land for the sum of $1,000. Today, the majority of this area is under water.Of the Tioga property’s originally acquired by the city in 1916, presently .64 acres remains of which .23 acres was abandoned railroad right-of-way.