Voigt Park
About Voigt Park

This park was designed with the sports enthusiast in mind. The Olympic size swimming pool is a great place for families and friends to gather. Annually, swimming lessons and lifeguard certification classes are offered to area youngsters. Voigt Park houses three softball diamonds and is home to numerous Softball Leagues.
The Parks Department manages two concession stands at Voigt Park - one in the pool area and one located near the Softball fields. On a summer evening, you can hear the crack of the bat, the cheers of the fans and splashing of water all in one great park! Before cooling off in the pool, get your exercise on sand volleyball courts or the basketball court while the younger children enjoy the playground equipment. If you want to host a special event, there are two park pavilions at this park.
History of Voigt Park
Development of Voigt Park began with the purchase of the Monticello City Pool property from Community Recreation Incorporated in 1983. Due to financial difficulties, Community Recreation was no longer able to sustain operations of the pool and opted to sell the property to the city. The city took out a Farmers Home Loan of ($90,000.00) to purchase the pool and make needed repairs. The City Pool property covers 4.10 acres. Conveyance of the property from Community Recreation to the City of Monticello was recorded in the office of the White County Recorder on February 24, 1984.In 1988 three additional parcels of land were added to the park. With the communities desire to provide a softball complex for the youth of Monticello, Voigt Park continued to grow with land sold / “donated” to the city from Virginiabelle Voigt (3.94 acres), The Monticello –White County Industrial Foundation, INC (2.25 acres), and United Telephone Company of Indiana, INC (.532 acres). The properties were sold to the city for “($1.00), ($1.00), and ($10.00)” respectively. Conveyance of these properties was respectively recorded in the office of the White County Recorder on May 12th 1988, May 12th 1988, and on October 13th 1988. Today, Voigt Park covers a total area of 10.82 acres.